Sunday, August 06, 2006

Belated Cathcing up...

It's been awhile and any excuses would bore you past the point of servile mundanity (sp?)...But I wanted to take some time out to remember the passing of some influential people. I know it's been almost a month since their deaths, but it's never to late....So, here's to the late, great Syd Barret, famous frontman for Pink Floyd, and Mickey Spillane, creator and writer of that great noir private eye, Mike Hammer. Somehow, maybe it's just my twisted mind, but the two seem to go together...You tell me?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Initial Entry

I wanted to give a few nods of thanks to some individuals who have inspired me to this blog. First off, to my wife who is my true Muse. I would also like to give credit to an old friend whose blog I found here and got me thinking...Thanks, Greg. Also, to Anthony Bourdain whose second novel I borrowed the name for my spot from. And last, but not least, Jimmy Buffet, who keeps us all looking over the horizon for our own little uncharted place off the maps...