Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Dog Zen…Dzogchen…?

First off, I must admit that I title this missive with tongue fully implanted in my cheek. However, as the Buddhist teach, it is humor that some of the most profound truths arise. I find this particularly comforting as one particular Buddhist age and poet is named exactly…well not exactly this, Dogzen. Admittedly, I have enjoyed reading some of his work.

So what’s prompted this writing? Simple enough, it is stress. That all too familiar companion we walk with daily through our lives and loves. I know, mockingly, that without some form of stress our hearts would naturally cease to beat. It is without saying a vital part of our lives. I suppose, just like most of you, that we don’t need as much as we carry around with us. I know, also without going much further, that the majority of the stress comes from sources we can control, namely ourselves. I’m preaching to the choir and pointing at the proverbial timber in my own eye.

However, there is an odd correlation between an observed enlightenment, if I may be so presumptuous; I had the other night and the routine of our pet Shih-Tzu, Arlo. Every night, Arlo run puppy laps. After he comes in from his last trip to the backyard to leave a pile, a puddle, and make a little noise in the neighbors’ direction, he tears into the bedroom and commences to imitate a NASCAR race. Afterwards, panting, he ascends to our bed and commences to curl himself into a ball of fur. Not quite fully awake, nor completely asleep, Arlo watches us without actually staring at us. I suppose it must be something like a somnolent sentry. This usually lasts until I remove him from our bed when I am ready to go to sleep.

So what does this seemingly innocuous nightly routine of events have to do with a founding principle and school of thought within the Buddhist tradition…? Good question! The connection came together in my mind that night like to freight trains. It’s wonderful having glimpses of enlightenment such as this, but it’s hell when they keep you from getting some sleep because it sets your mind off on another tangent. Sleep just looks so pedestrian compared to occurrences such as this.

While the spelling of Dogzen is incorrect, it is based on the term’s Anglicized pronunciation. The correct…again, Anglicized, spelling is Dzogchen. Now, before we go any further, please let me set some minds at ease and dispel any misunderstandings and myths before they fester into arbitrary facts. I am not, nor claim to be anywhere near to resembling an expert on religion in general or Buddhism in particular. I can only claim fleeting forays into each. From the way I understand it, dzogchen is the natural and primordial state of every sentient being…Okay, sounds good to me.

Of course, I cannot leave it at that. It would be criminal to do so. It goes without saying that I had to research even more into the topic…So, I looked…All that I really found was more confusion. While I have not witnesses, I am sure that as I peered through web sites, dictionary entries, and encyclopedia articles my look of bewilderment probably resembled the dog when you speak to him and he cocks his head to one side. I am sure my glazed gaze matched his with the query of how can I understand what you’re saying…

So, I did what I have been trained to do, that is after researching a topic. I studied and observed perhaps the best practitioner of this ancient wisdom in the immediate vicinity, Arlo. For the following few evenings, I observed him. Oversome by this focus on seemingly oriental aspects, I even spent time with him in the backyard as he did his dog business and I pruned a shrub. Don’t even get me started on how far I was from anything that could be considered a bonsai…

Did this lead me to any further conclusions or deeper understandings? Well it did, to some extent…I found that the true understanding of dzogchen was just to know who you are and be it. A sort of Nike philosophy, echoing the slogan of “Just Do It.” This has been my focus since then. Am I claiming that I know who I am…most certainly not. But I am having more fun not posturing as much or stressing even less. Perhaps dogs do have a little something over on us. I just don’t think that I am ready to surrender my place on the evolutionary ladder. Especially not when we still have the faculty of toilet paper at our disposal.

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