Friday, November 28, 2008

Quit Killing My Superheroes!

Enough is enough…all right!? I mean, how much more can a guy take? Adding insult to injury was never attractive, nor the proper thing to do. It’s not like I didn’t have enough dings in my body from shopping on Black Friday that I needed to be hit again. This time, sucker punched. Not only that, but I am still healing from the deep cut experienced a couple of years ago.
Confused?...So am I. To use ghetto parlance, “Why they gotta be hatin’?” Today, while decompressing from a brief exposure to Black Friday shopping, I perused the Internet. Totally harmless, right? So I thought. I went to a completely innocuous site. It is a site I visit regularly to get my news of the world. Completely credible. It’s It was then and there that I discovered some bonehead at DC Comics decided to knock off Batman. I mean totally whack the poor bastard. I thought it was a complete disregard for protocol and manners. The smug S.O.B. actually sounded upbeat and chipper about the whole matter in the interview. Damned punk!
Technically, Batman is not actually dead. Yeah, right! Supposedly, Bruce Wayne was killed by a mysterious stranger claiming to be none other than his long-thought dead father. Weird and creepy, but a cool Shakespearean plot twist. Excellent for Hamlet or Macbeth, but not for the Dark Knight. No way, no how. Perhaps I am a bit too much of a traditionalist, but you just don’t treat superheroes that way. It’s disrespectful.
Of course, there is still the unresolved issue of the assassination of Captain America that occurred two years ago. Now, I can’t bellow and whine too much, because I always get a great lesson out of it for my American History classes each year. However, you still don’t need to go off and kill an icon such as Captain America or Batman on a whim. I believe the blame rests squarely on two individuals equally.
The editor and writer should both have their heads on a block for this lame brained move. Cruel and unusual punishment you say? Go ask Bruce Wayne and Steve Rogers what they think about this bold editorial move? I mean, I see no need for a head if you are not going to use it or its only use is as a rectal probe. Killing off a major superhero seems like a wimpy way of boosting sales or to get out of an embarrassing spot of writer’s block. It is just totally unacceptable. If it’s a tight creative spot your crew can’t get out of, maybe you don’t have the right people doing the job…
A bit too rash in my response? I think not…Just look at the other headlines swarming the news today and take a little reality trip with me. Senseless terrorist bombings in India, stocks still shaky, and employment a gamble at best is what most of us have to deal with. Now untie this paradox for me. Why kill off national and cultural icons now?
Perhaps you might answer to shake things up a bit. Or maybe to grab peoples’ attention and make them sit up for a moment. Aren’t we already doing enough of that? Don ‘t we deserve a little respite for the over taxing stimulus and sensations thrown at us every waking moment of every day? Maybe I am just yelling at a wall here, but it works. Just looked what happened in Berlin in 1989. Don’t stop speaking, even if you the only voice. Listen to us you corporate greed mongers, and quit killing our superheroes.

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